
A season of sounds from lesser travelled regions, hosted by Colchester Arts Centre

Runs from 9 Jul 2024 to 20 Apr 2025

Edgelands is a special extended season of exciting new, experimental, highly alternative musical forms, at Colchester Arts Centre.

Curated with passion and a desire to shine a light on the lesser visited sonic realms, we invite you to dive into an aural landscape that may be somewhat off the beaten track - but in our view all the more beguiling for it.

With an international array of artists ranging from as far as Indonesia, Hong Kong, Latvia, North America and the Faroe Islands, each night also features supporting acts from Colchester and the surrounding areas, covering a dizzying variety of genres from cut n' paste / plunderphonics to ambient, industrial noise and the downright unclassifiable.

Come and take a trek into the wilderness with us - it's going to be a hell of a trip...


Shows in this series

No one out there plays the computer quite like him
Visceral, whimsical electronica using esoteric synthesizers, test equipment and magnetic tape
UK-based experimental music collective composing and performing music for solid body electric guitar, percussion and other instruments

Previously in this series

Musician, singer, songwriter and filmmaker based in France
Dutch minimalist composer and Lute player
Controversial Danish/Faroese musician/composer
Layered cello through shifting loops and a chain of electronic effects, exploring a series of rich, drone-based sound fields
French/Thai electronica fusing pirated tapes and videos of Khmer pop, karaoke, monk chants and movies
A smorgasbord of eclectic local electronica-based acts
Created by electronic musician An-Ting and creative technologist Ian Gallagher
A Latvian visionary artist at the forefront of the eco-futurist music movement